To members of the DC LDS Music Resources mailing list,
A joint concert (Maryland Young Voices Festival) of 7 Youth Choruses from the State of Maryland including the Strathmore Youth Chorus will be held on March 16 at 6:30pm at the Washington DC Temple Visitor Center.
The Annandale Stake invites you to attend an Interfaith Concert on Sunday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Annandale Stake Center (3900 Howard St. Annandale VA). The concert will feature a diverse collection of local faith groups united in song around the theme "Love Thy Neighbor". Please invite friends, neighbors and acquaintances to attend this special event. Flyers are attached to this email.
The Annandale Stake invites you to attend an Interfaith Concert on Sunday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Annandale Stake Center (3900 Howard St. Annandale VA). The concert will feature a diverse collection of local faith groups united in song around the theme "Love Thy Neighbor". Please invite friends, neighbors and acquaintances to attend this special event. Flyers are attached to this email.
Below I have listed musical events of inter est to this group for the next few months. All of these events are also on the calendar at the DC LDS Music Resources blog:
If you have additional announcements, flyers, or information about other musical events of
VC means Visitor Center
February 23, 7:00pm, VC: Heartfelt Japanese Concert
March 16, 6:30pm, VC: Maryland Young Voices Festival
March 16, 6:30pm, VC: Maryland Young Voices Festival
March 17, 7:00pm, Annandale VA Stake Center, 3900 Howard St, Annandale, VA 22003): Interfaith concert
April 14, 7:00pm: Washington DC Temple Choir Palm Sunday Concert
May 11, 7:00pm, VC: Washington DC Temple Orchestra Mozart and Schubert concert with special guest pianist Melinda Baird
April 13, 8:00am, Martinsburg WV Stake Center, 93 Langston Boulevard, Martinsburg, WV 25404: Regional BYU Organ Workshop
April 13, 7:00pm, VC: Washington DC Temple Choir Palm Sunday ConcertApril 14, 7:00pm: Washington DC Temple Choir Palm Sunday Concert
May 11, 7:00pm, VC: Washington DC Temple Orchestra Mozart and Schubert concert with special guest pianist Melinda Baird